The drive with Claire wasn't the healthiest - with the cigarette smoke going up my nostrils, the car was full of smoke and ashes. It didn't help that she refused to put the windows down.
"My hair honey", she shouted, "the wind will wreck all the work I've done to it, so keep those damn windows up".
As I drove I pondered where exactly to take her, Hollywood was out of the question, we live in Kansas for Christ-sake. The best place would be where I met her, at my boy Jake’s house. They knew her and would know how to help, shit; I didn't even know what was wrong with her. Alzheimer’s? Or just craziness? Hopefully it wasn't the chocolate, I ate some too.
I got off highway 74 into Craig’s Town; I was heading to the Pearson’s house. An hour of silence passed when Claire woke up shouting, "Oh no, not you, I hate those pink feathers of yours, they make me sneeze, go away please".
There wasn't really much in Craig's Town, the place looked like a scene out of an old western, tumble weeds and boarded up buildings. As I continued driving I spotted a sign "Hospital Half mile ahead". Thank goodness, life lies ahead.
Son of Christ Hospital ~ The Nun’s Welcome You” the sign read. “Claire wake up, we need to stretch, go to the bath room and grab a bite to eat”, I demanded.
“Ok”, replied Claire, “I sure could use a stretch, you go on in, and I’m right behind you. I’m old now, so it takes me a tad bit longer to get my body parts moving,” she said pleasantly.
I drove quickly through the lot, parked the car in the closet spot, turned off the ignition, yanked out the keys, and hurried inside, mother nature was calling.
Tap! Tap! Bang! Bang! Sounds were coming from the trunk. Claire jumped out and popped open the trunk. “Perry Baby” she shrieked, “what a pleasant surprise, I had a feeling you weren’t going to let me travel alone, be careful not to let Honey see or hear you”.
“Claire”, Perry said hesitantly, “Stephen came along too; he didn’t want to be left behind”. Stephen’s head poked out from behind Perry.
“Hi, err, hello, Claire, um, yeah, how are you?” stuttered Stephen.
“What the hell?” questioned Claire.
“I um need to go inside Perry, the circulation in my err legs hurt, I need something from inside, could you move, I, um, oh, yea, I need, I want to get out”, said Stephen.
With Claire’s help, Perry was able to move out of Stephen’s way easily like a yoga master.
“Hurry now, there’s no telling when Adonia will be back”.
So into the hospital rushed Stephen. While Perry waited in the car, he had gone into the hospital to try and buy a pair of black stockings from a nun.
Claire waited patiently for Stephen to hurry back to stuff him back into the trunk.
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